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M45 in Taurus



M45 in Taurus, a.k.a. the Pleiades.

What you see here is an open cluster of young very heavy stars at a distance of 'only' 440 lightyears. The name Pleiades stems from Greek mythology and refers to seven sisters. To be perfectly honest I only see six big stars and a lot of smaller ones. But perhaps one of the sisters is having a lipo at the moment.

The bigger stars and some of the smaller ones have very beautiful proper names, which might serve as a useful source of inspiration if your IVF treament turns out to be more successful than you had hoped for . . . (Darling, can you change Taygeta's nappy?)

EXPOSURE DATA: William Optics Zenithstar 66SD on a Vixen GP-DX equatorial mount; Atik 16HR camera, L 35 x 80s; R,G,B 21 x 40s unguided exposures, from my backyard in The Hague, Februari 9, 2008. Image shown here at 60% of the original size.

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Last update Sun, 10 February, 2008 22:18